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May 24, 2008



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Thought for the day. May 1st.

Taming The Dragon: A Book For YouFind Your Peace Within

In Taming the Dragon, we discover the two voices with which we all live. Learning to discern between these two voices is our quest. The one to which we choose to listen is our decision. We can listen to the voice for fear, anger, resentment, and bitterness; or, to the voice for love, peace, and harmony.
As we read, we become aware of the fact that there is a gentleness within us all, that can help us to love ourselves. We learn to listen for that voice; and, to be tranquil – to be still.

We will understand the ego’s tactics and how it lies to us about who we truly are. We begin to see the ego’s determination to keep us unhappy. We find that we no longer have to listen to the negativity of our own ego.

Remember the Spirit that is always within us – which guides and protects us along the way – if we choose to listen.

Embrace our oneness with all of mankind and with our Source.

Johnnie Calloway lives in Sarasota, Florida. He has published his first book, Taming the Dragon, which is summarized in this synopsis. He is presently working on his next book, (Today I Laugh) Author: Taming the Dragon